Marci Goodman has an M.F.A. in English from the University of Massachusetts/Amherst and has published short stories in several literary journals, including two in Imitation Fruit. She has also edited a collection of poetry by the late Lester Afflick entitled I Dream About You Baby (Fly by Night Press, 2008). She works at Queens College/City University of New York, teaching writing and literature courses in the English Department and coordinating College Now, a college readiness program for New York City public high school students. Though she was born and raised in the Boston area and still root for all the Boston sports teams, she has spent most of her adult life in New York City, specifically Brooklyn, and considers herself a proud New Yorker.
William D. Hicks is a writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois by himself (any offers?). Contrary to popular belief, he is not related to the famous comedian Bill Hicks (though he's just as funny in his own right). Hicks will someday publish his memoirs, but most likely they will be about Bill Hicks' life. His poetry has appeared in Outburst Magazine, The Legendary, Horizon Magazine, Of Sun and Sand, NWCC Poetry Chapbook, Christmas Ideals, Spring Ideals, Save the Last Stall for Me, Heavy Petting, AHA!, and Mosaic. His art appears in Imitation Fruit, Paper Tape Magazine and South Florida Arts Journal. To see more of his art visit