Kirk Weixel is English professor emeritus at Saint Francis University, where he continues to teach literature and creative writing. He lives in Loretto, PA with his wife Mary Jeanne. They have three children, all of whom are thankful that they have their mother's brains and good looks.
Margaret Mendel lives and writes in New York City. She is an award-winning author with short stories and articles appearing online and in print publications, including a short story she wrote in collaboration with her husband, Steven Mendel, which appeared in Issue 14 of Imitation Fruit. Her debut novel, "Fish Kicker" was published in 2014. Margaret's latest novel "Pushing Water" will be published in the winter of 2016. She is a staff writer and photographer with the online magazine Kings River Life. Many of her photos have appeared in websites, online travel journals and book covers. Several of her photos have been exhibited in Soho Photography Gallery in New York City. Check out https://www.flickr.com/photos/margaretmendel/ to see more of Margaret's photographs. Read about her writing at: Pushingtime.com.