Marina Rubin's work had appeared in over seventy magazines and anthologies including 13th Warrior Review, Asheville Poetry Review, Dos Passos Review, 5AM, Nano Fiction, Coal City, Green Hills Literary Lantern, Jewish Currents, Lillith, Pearl, Poet Lore, Skidrow Penthouse, The Worcester Review and many more. She is an editor of Mudfish, the Tribeca literary and art magazine. She is a 2013 recipient of the COJECO Blueprint Fellowship. Her fourth book, a collection of flash fiction Stealing Cherries was released in November 2013 to rave reviews. "...One of the richer contemporary visions of America that I've read," said NANO Fiction. "Marina Rubin's collection of micro-stories hits all the right notes with its humor, warmth and mild perversity," said Coachella Valley Independent. And Urban Graffiti declared - "its intimate clash of cultures, political and economic antagonisms, and transgressive sexualities are never very far from the surface of these sometimes nostalgic, sometimes bittersweet, often sensual fictions..."
Diana Blackwell is a self-taught artist in Berkeley, California. She works in charcoal, acrylics, collage, printmaking, and watercolor. She belongs to the East Bay Figure Painters. She has shown work all over the Bay Area and has illustrated books and stories. Her online gallery is www.zhibit.org/diana_blackwell.