J.S. Kierland is a graduate of the University of Connecticut and did postgrad at Hunter College where he won the New York City playwright's award and was admitted into Sigma Tau Delta. He was given a full scholarship to the Yale Drama School and after receiving his MFA became playwright-in-residence at Lincoln Center, Brandeis University, and the Lab Theatre. In Hollywood, he wrote two films, was resident playwright at the LAAT, where he founded the successful LA Playwright's Group and went on to join Camelot Artists. He has published a novella, edited two books of one-act plays, written four films, and has over ninety publications of short stories in literary collections, reviews and magazines around the U.S., including, Playboy, Fiction International, Colere, Trajectory, International Short Story, Bryant Review, Emry's, Front Range, Muse & Stone, Fiction Attic Press, Mount Hope, and many others. A book titled, 15 of the Best Short Stories by J.S. Kierland was published in 2014 by Underground Voices, and an e-book was released in 2015 titled, Hard To Learn by the same publisher.
Allen Forrest is a writer and graphic artist for covers and illustrations in literary publications and books, the winner of the Leslie Jacoby Honor for Art at San Jose State University's Reed Magazine for 2015, and whose Bel Red landscape paintings are part of the Bellevue College Foundation's permanent art collection in Bellevue, WA. He lives in Vancouver, BC, Canada.