Short stories by Ron Singer ( have previously appeared, e.g., in The Brooklyn Rail, diagram, Evergreen Review, The Journal of Microliterature, Mad Hatters' Review, and Word Riot. His eighth book, Uhuru Revisited: Interviews with African Pro-Democracy Leaders (2015), is available in about 100 libraries across the U.S., and beyond. His most recent book is Betty & Estelle/A Voice for My Grandmother, a double memoir (July 2016).
Phil Barrows, originally focusing on traditional ink illustration became fascinated with digital illustration in the mid-80s. He found a new career with the burgeoning game industry creating both 2d and 3d art as well as animation for various platforms including PCs, consoles and smartphones. Phil is now enjoying a semi-retirement, dividing his time between family, tinkering on hotrods and creating art for clients. He can be contacted at bitoart(at)