Deborah Shouse is a speaker, writer and editor. Her writing has appeared in Persimmon Tree, New Letters, Red Hot Momma's, Reader's Digest, The Sun, Kansas City Voices, Newsweek and Spirituality & Health and numerous anthologies. She co-facilitates the Kansas City Writers Group and writes a weekly love story column for the Kansas City Star. She is donating all proceeds from her book Love in the Land of Dementia: Finding Hope in the Caregiver's Journey to Alzheimer's programs and research. Using the book as a catalyst, She has raised more than $80,000.00. To find out more about the author you can visit her website at: www.TheCreativityConnection.com
and her blog deborahshousewrites.wordpress.com/
Eric Greenhut became interested in art when he was a pre-teen. Although he started with a "paint by numbers" oil color set, he soon found that he didn't want to stay within the lines nor use the assigned colors. Majoring in art in high school gave him the opportunity to explore various mediums and to study art history. He included art courses while pursuing his Business degree at Indiana University. In 1998, he started to develop a new painting style. He was greatly influenced by the Fauve Landscape Art of 1904-1908. He finds that the works of Andre Derain and Henri Matisse have influenced his style the most.
Eric Greenhut has entered his art in various competitions and has received awards for his work. He has sold his art to private collectors in California, Arizona, New York, Hawaii, and Canada. His art can be viewed at: www.ericgreenhut.com.