Larry Schug lives with his wife, dog and two cats on 55 acres near a large tamarack bog in St. Wendel Twp., Minnesota. He's published six books of poems, the most recent being Nails, published with North Star Press of St. Cloud.
Ed Coletti works in water color and acrylic. He subscribes to the philosophy that, when possible, he never paints anything he can see with his physical eyes. He works imaginatively, whimsically, humorously, or fantastically. He paints intuitively and as colorfully as he possibly can. As another writer-turned-painter Henry Miller wrote, " Paint as you like and die happy." Art is Ed Coletti's enduring great joy.
Most recently, his work has appeared online at Michael Rothenberg's great international art site Big Bridge. Ed Coletti is also a well-published poet. He can be reached at